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Selection of Matting Agent for Solvent-Based Coatings

2022-08-25 15:08:52

In clear varnishes, the addition of matting agents cannot produce hard precipitation during storage, nor can it affect the transparency of the paint film. Therefore, as mentioned above, organically treated matting agents are the best choice. Matting agents treated with organics can also bring additional benefits, such as surface smoothness and enhanced scratch resistance.

Matting agent

In the paint system, due to the addition of pigment, the specific gravity of the pigment is much larger than that of the matting agent, so the precipitation of the matting agent is not a problem. For cost saving consideration, matting agents without surface treatment can be used, but sometimes, in order to improve the hand feel and scratch resistance of the paint film, organically treated matting agents can also be used.

In the solvent-based system, the particle size of the matting agent depends on the dry film thickness of the coating system and the required surface properties of the paint film. A thinner matting agent will make the surface of the paint film smoother and feel better, but its matting efficiency is not as good as Coarse matting agent. The closed-cell wood lacquer has higher requirements for hand feel, so a finer matting agent should be used.

The amount of matting agent added depends on the resin system, solids content, dry film thickness, type of matting agent, drying method and desired gloss. It is necessary to select the best matting agent and calculate the required amount, and draw the extinction curve of the considered coating system under the approximate actual use conditions.

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Address: Simeiwei, Lianhe Village, Sanjiang Town, Xinhui District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, China (substation side)
