1. Vinyl potting can protect equipment
Vinyl silicone oil potting provides a perfect seal to protect very sensitive electronic assemblies and components from external contamination or movement. This is important for ensuring the long-term stability and performance of many electronic products. In addition, vinyl silicone oil will not corrode or spontaneously ignite, meeting the most stringent safety and purity requirements in the production and manufacture of electronic products.
2. Vinyl silicone oil can enhance the performance of equipment
As electronic devices get thinner, smaller, and faster, the outstanding physical properties of vinyl silicone fluids make it useful in new applications: high temperature and low temperature stability, outstanding insulation, strength , elasticity and toughness, moisture resistance, chemical stability, UV resistance and other environmental protection properties, can bond and protect a variety of materials.
3. Other effects of vinyl silicone oil on electronic products
1. Vinyl silicone oil plays an indispensable role in the development of computer technology, telecommunications and other related fields that require microchips. Provides protection for products from temperature and contamination.
2. Vinyl silicone oil can save money. The durability of vinyl silicone fluid can reduce the cost of cleaning, maintenance, operation and replacement of new and old electronics.
3. Vinyl silicone oil can prolong the service life of electronic products. Even under harsh conditions, vinyl silicone fluids maintain their wear and tear properties. Therefore, it is the perfect building block for durable goods such as computers, automobiles, airplanes, and household appliances.
4. Vinyl silicone sealants and adhesives have the durability and service life that consumers demand.
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